Pia Carrot 1 / Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! / Piaキャロットへようこそ!! / Vertige de l`amour / Welcome to Pia Carrot / Willkommen bei Pia Carrot / Піа Карот / 피아캐롯에 어서오세요
The Pia Carrot restaurant is famous for its good food and cute waitresses. Yusuke gets forced into working at Pia Carrot for the summer, and it'll be a summer he'll never forget. One boy working with four delicious young girls adds up to a menu full of romantic entanglements and service with more than just a smile!
Pia Carrot 1 ep1 – Summer job turns into harem filled with hentai waitresses
2 years ago